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Manual Kobox

This is the manual of Kobox. To a quick introduction: Visit the Guide for beginners.


Kobox is a game in which you have to train a virtual Boxer to compete with other boxers from around the world and obtain glory, fame and fortune.

Kobox is quite simple so a few days you will learn all the basics. You can play Kobox even if you just log in once or twice a day (and if I hurry up to connecting just a couple of days a week).

Kobox challenge lies in fostering a healthy competition between the boxers that will need to demonstrate that you can do better than the rest. And if you fail it the first don´t give up, get ready and asks the rematch!

With the passage of time rest assured that you will meet many people already that some of your competitors will also become your adventure mates.

Ultimately in Kobox you´ll get into the skin of a boxer with you defy other boxers to become the champion.

Your Decisions

Your task is to improve all of the qualities of your Boxer, reshape your body, learn new strokes and create the strategy to beat your rivals. You get income from your fans, sign advertising contracts, you get a slice of the box office and invest it in tattoo you body to obtain improvements, a diet, buy equipment and for most importantly, train.

Because in Kobox the decisions you make endure over time so you must draw your long-term strategy.
If you want to have glory, fame and fortune you will have to sweat your Boxer!

My recommendation

The best advice we can give you is to read the manual. You don´t have to read it whole at once. Reading the first chapters you do a fairly rough idea about how to play. The other advice I would give you is to ask any questions you have in the forum. With the safe while you will have until your own suggestions, share them!

There is one thing on which we insist you To give to you and to everyone the best experience in Kobox, there are rules of conduct to follow very simple which you can find in: Normative resume.
