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Guide for beginners

This is the quick-Kobox. For more information: Visit the manual.


tu patrocinador

Money is important so carefully to what you think you spend. At the beginning it is advisable to use it for training, eating a diet and acquire basic strokes.

You earn money thanks to members of your club´s fans, the sponsors and the fighting. You need it to book hours of training, to eat, to tattoo you, to equip you and to learn new techniques.


tu competicion

There are a variety of competitions. The main one is the classification of League. You have to challenge the rivals to climb positions and to become the category champion.

Thanks to the experience and training you can sign up for weekly official titles. For the final against the reigning champion of the title, you will have to perform better than the rest of applicants.

There are also other competitions: club tournaments, duels of fame, Historic Fights, clubs duel ... etc;
Remember that you must draw your own strategy to beat your rivals and achieve fame and fortune.

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